Moving water
We’ve all seen it before, photos of moving water captured by a single picture. Now, how do we take a picture that looks like that, rather than one that has drops floating or dropping down a cliff. It’s all about … Continued
We’ve all seen it before, photos of moving water captured by a single picture. Now, how do we take a picture that looks like that, rather than one that has drops floating or dropping down a cliff. It’s all about … Continued
Using a polarizer/polarizing filter The photo shows the differences between the use of a polarizing filter and the image with in the absence of a polarizing filter. What is a polarizer? To be more technical, light becomes polarized when reflecting off … Continued
Lights of the night by Kevin Ly I lived in the city/suburbs for most of my life so this was the most amazing thing ever when I first took it. I can see stars! and even more than that, galaxies! … Continued